Parallel activities

Opening of the 7th Skyline Benidorm Film Festival. film projection "Unicorns"
We will have the presence of part of the team to present the film.
Isa has it all. She is smart, pretty and self-assured. Feminist and polyamorous, she passionately defends her life. When Guillem proposes to be a monogamous couple, Isa is not sure if he wants to change her life and, given her lack of decision, Guillem decides to break the relationship. Living in a world of appearances and comforts, her contradictions come to light and her universe is crumbling at the blow of likes and moral judgments in this web that social networks have become.
When: Saturday, March 25, at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Auditorio Fundación Mediterráneo (Alameda, 17)
Limited capacity
A new century. A new cinema.
At the end of the 1920s, the arrival of sound revolutionized cinema and changed it forever. Some say that the appearance of platforms has marked a new era. What has changed now? Where does cinema seem to be heading, one hundred years later?
Talk by Nuria Pérez and Noel Ceballos.
Nuria Pérez gives talks in companies and educational centers, also creates and directs sound projects such as Gabinete de Curiosidades, with which she has won several awards, including the Premio Ondas 2022. Her books are Gabinete X and El monstruo del monóculo y otras bestias.
Noel Ceballos works as a culture editor at GQ magazine. He has collaborated in media such as Fotogramas, SModa, el confidencial, Paramount Channel, Podium Podcast or TCM or Calle 13. He has published the books El pensamiento conspiranoico (Arpa Editores), Internet Safari (Blackie Books) and La Escuela Nocturna (Alegoría), besides collaborating in collective volumes about cult cinema or the history of TV series in Spain.
When: Sunday, March 26, from 12.30h.
Where: Hotel Belroy (Av. del Mediterráneo 13)

Masterclass: Film making process
We will learn the keys and differences between the making of a short film and a feature film. We will talk about how to face the processes of pre-production, production and post-production. From the idea until the film belongs to the spectator.
When: Monday, March 27th, starting at 10:30 a.m.
Where: Edificio Torrejó
Free access until full capacity is reached
Storytelling and narrative structures workshop
To know and understand briefly what Storytelling is and how to relate it to a film script.
To know the different types of narrative structures to apply them in a literary script for short and feature films.
Analyze several short films of the 7th Skyline Festival and relate them to storytelling and the narrative structures applied.
Finally, we will end with a short Q&A.
“A good film can change your life”
when: Tuesday, March 28, starting at 12:15 p.m.
Where: Auditorio Fundación Mediterráneo (Alameda, 17)

Interpretation workshop: Creating the character's universe
What is acting? Why do you want to be an actor/actress?
Schools and approaches.
Techniques of Uta Hagen, Susan Batson and Sanford Meisner.
Being present on stage: repetitions.
Letting go of control.
Process oriented work versus result oriented work.
Creating the character’s universe.
When: Wednesday, March 29, starting at 11:00 a.m.
Where: Cinema Estudio (c/Maraval, 11)
Round table: Meeting national festivals and their line of programming
Don’t miss the opportunity to attend a unique talk about the film selection process at the main film festivals in Spain! In this event, entitled “Goya Awards Qualifying Festival Programming Lines”, representatives of the Sitges Festival, the Lesgai Cinemad Festival and the Madrid Film Festival will share valuable information on how they select the films that participate in their festivals and that they could become candidates for the Goya awards.
This event will be a unique meeting point between the festivals and the attending film directors, as well as for anyone interested in the film industry. During the talk, they will discuss what type of productions they usually select each year and what criteria are used to make these decisions. In addition, the question of the variety of genres and styles of cinema that are presented at each festival will be addressed.
- Mónica García Massagué
General Director of the Sitges Festival Foundation Internacional de Cine de Catalunya - Miguel Lafuente
Programming coordination of the Lesgaicinemad Festival - Raquel Troyano
President of Plataforma Nuevos Realizadores
Join us for this fascinating talk that will shed light on the film selection process at some of the most important festivals in Spain!
When: Thursday, March 30, from 11:00 a.m.
Where: Torrejó Building
Free access until full capacity

Masterclass: ICAA grants for short film projects
Based on the calls for grants for short films published by the ICAA, we will analyze the following points:
- Administrative, legal and artistic requirements of the bases
- How to prepare a REPORT
- The budget, how to calculate and present its chapters
- Production design and shooting schedule
- Financing plan
- Distribution plan
- Co-productions
We will analyze it and we will see with real examples of projects that have obtained grants.
We will discuss the “tricks”, not written, that must be known to present a project.
And, of course, we will solve all the doubts about the projects you have.
Talk by Josemari Martínez
Born in the 70s and graduated in CC. Economic. In 2012 he decided to take a professional turn in his professional career, moving away from the financial sector and consultancy and founded the film and audiovisual production company Calabaza FILMS together with three other partners.
He is self-taught, learning on his own shoots and collaborating on many other third-party productions. However, he has taken various courses:
ECAM – Advanced Management
UNED – Film Script
SGAE – Actors Direction, with María Ripoll
SGAE – Actors Direction, with Carla Calparsoro
NATALIA MATEO – Actors Direction
SGAE – Screenplay, with Eliseo Altunaga
SGAE – Screenplay, with Yolanda Barrasa
When: Friday, March 31, from 10:00 a.m.
Where: Auditorio Fundación Mediterráneo (Alameda, 17)
Free access until full capacity
The new financing of the audiovisual sector
We will analyze the financing options for audiovisual projects and we will focus on the new opportunities offered by tax deductions.
Talk by Ignacio Segarra de Yunit
Degree in Economics from the University of Valencia. Master’s Degree in Accounting and Finance from the Center for Financial Studies, Master’s Degree in Tax Law/Tax Advice from the Center for Financial Studies and Master’s Degree in Auditing and Finance from the Center for Financial Studies.
He develops his professional activity in the economic and accounting area. Economist from the College of Economists of Valencia.
Yunit is a team of lawyers and economists specialized in taxation with more than 30 years of experience in the audiovisual and artistic sector.
When: Friday, March 31, from 12:30 p.m.
Where: Auditorio Fundación Mediterráneo (Alameda, 17)
Free access until full capacity