Short Pitch

Short Pitch V Skyline Benidorm Film Festival Finalists
Atzar. Juan Vicent Doñate – Lluerna Creació Audiovisual
Cae la noche. Julú Martinez – Kabiria Films
Intercanvi. Alberto Evangelio – Beniwood Produccions
Jerusalen. Marina Velázquez – Jaibo Films and
Tourmalet Films
Calcetines. Noelia Fluxá / Julie-Estel Soard – Juno Media
Los besos que perdí. Marcos Chanca – Beamos
Pálpito. Marisa Crespo y Moisés Romera – Proyecta Films
Alumbramiento. Imanol Ortiz López – Imanol Ortiz López
Pieds Noirs. Priscilla Rubio Ramírez – Marallavi Films
Real Fake. Thomas Barrera – Blauflamencos

Short Pitch Skyline Benidorm Film Festival
For the second year at Skyline Benidorm Film Festival we will carry out the Short Pitch activity, an activity dedicated to the audiovisual industry of short films. Directors or producers at the national level can participate with a project in the development or pre-production phase, even those projects that have obtained prior public and / or private aid.
Among all the works presented, the festival selection committee will be in charge of choosing a maximum of 12 titles that will participate in the final pitch to be held during the days of the festival. This pitch will be made by those responsible for the project before a Jury of experts who will select the winner.
The jury will be made up of professionals from the film industry selected by the festival management and will be in charge of awarding the prize, valued at € 10,000.
Short fiction and documentary projects are accepted. Those who have started filming are excluded.